Today, is the 2nd chapter class for BBL 3014. The new topic for this sem which is E-commerce Law. E-commerce law must at least involve two organization. The "legal persons" that involve normally are refer to companies. It is categorize under private law.
E-Commerce means all form of commercial transactions inviloving both organizations and individuals that are based upon the electronic processing and transmission of data, which include text, sound, and visual image.
Why E-Commerce become more famous nowadays?
Because it is worldwide accessing. It help companies to enhance competitiveness and quality of service. It also allow customazation and personalised products and services. Besides that, It also help to eliminate intermediaries. Last but not least, the cost is really low and cheap.
Although E-Commerce bring a lot of convenient to people but consumers still have their concern for certian issues. For example, unsafe products, insecure payment methods, loss of personal privacy,sharing of liability, and other concerns such as computer fraud, hacking, virus and ect.
There are plenty of risks in E-Commerce. Consumers might worry about disclosure of their personal data. Or maybe the transaction comfirmation and cancellation policies. For instant, sometimes the e-transaction was failed due to power down, the bank or payment system will not take the responsible to solve the problem. The term of condition " bank with your own risk" always stated in their service privacy statement.
Malaysia Government had set up law to overcome problems that happen in cyberspace by implement the Electronic Commerce Act 2006. This law helps to guarantee the rights of people who involve in E-commerce. It also helps to conviced more people to join the E-Commerce world.
Consumers can do lot of activities via E-Commerce websites. For example, online employement services, online bookshops, online auction, online banking, online travel services and others.
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